I-Jung Huang
薏蓉曾受邀與臺北市立交響樂團,國家交響樂團,台灣弦樂團,美國休士頓交響樂團,Hudson Valley Philharmonic,澳門青年交響樂團及香港演藝學院室內樂等協奏演出, 並和NSO 桂冠指揮根特赫比希Günther Herbig,北市交前指揮陳秋盛及吳琇玲指揮合作。在國內外賽事獎項包含2018年台灣奇美藝術獎,2014年新英格蘭音樂院室內樂獎殊榮,2015年入選紐西蘭 Michael Hill 小提琴國際比賽18強,2016 紐約哈德遜河弦樂比賽首獎,並受邀至義大利Musical Landscapes in Tuscany音樂節演出獨奏會。
薏蓉畢業於美國紐約曼哈頓音樂院樂團演奏文憑,紐約茱莉亞音樂學院碩士,美國波士頓新英格蘭音樂院小提琴學士。薏蓉七歲由曲靜澎啟蒙,曾師事 Glenn Dicterow,Lisa Kim,Donald Weilerstein, Daniel Phillips,Miriam Fried,李庭芳,劉姝嬋,及陳沁紅教授。2011年薏蓉以最年輕的培訓學員入選文建會第五屆音樂人才庫。薏蓉熱衷於室內樂演出,每年暑期參與美國與歐洲知名夏令營:Kronberg Academy, Perlman Music Program, Ravinia Festival, Taos School of Music, Kneisel Hall, Four Seasons Winter Workshop, Musical Landscape in Tuscany,Musique de chambre à Giverny。薏蓉曾與Robert McDonald, Cynthia Phelps, Leila Josefowicz, Ronald Thomas, Peter Wiley, Merry Peckham, Zlatomir Fung, and Paul Biss合作演出。另外,薏蓉也長期受邀與紐約新亞室內樂團協會,朱彼特交響室內樂團,聖保羅交響室內樂團,紐約奧菲斯室內樂團於紐約知名卡內基音樂廳,紐約林肯中心音樂廳合作演出。
Taiwanese violinist I-Jung Huang joined the New York Philharmonic violin section in 2022. Previously, she was a member of the Saint Louis Symphony from 2020 to 2022. Huang is a top prizewinner of the 2017 Ima Hogg Concerto Competition and the 2016 Hudson Valley String Competition, a Laureate of the 2015 Michael Hill International Violin Competition, and a top prizewinner of the TSO “The Young Talent” competition and the Academy of Taiwan Strings Competition. She was also the youngest musician selected at the Young Artist Taiwan Bank in 2011.
She has appeared as a soloist with the Houston Symphony Orchestra, Hudson Valley Philharmonic, Taiwan Philharmonic, and Taipei Symphony Orchestra. As an avid chamber musician, Huang has participated in several music festivals, including the Perlman Music Program, Ravinia Festival, Four Seasons Winter Workshop, Kneisel Hall, Taos School of Music, and Musique de Chambre en Normandie. She has collaborated with Robert McDonald, Cynthia Phelps, Leila Josefowicz, Donald Weilerstein, Ronald Thomas, Peter Wiley, Merry Peckham, Paul Neubauer, Zlatomir Fung, and Paul Biss. Additionally, she has performed with organizations such as the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, Jupiter Symphony Chamber Players, New York Classical Players, and the New Asia Chamber Music Society in New York City.
Huang received a Professional Studies Certificate in Orchestral Performance from the Manhattan School of Music, where she studied with Glenn Dicterow and Lisa Kim. She earned her Bachelor of Music from the New England Conservatory and her Master of Music from The Juilliard School, where she studied with Miriam Fried, Donald Weilerstein, and Daniel Phillips. She received The Juilliard Career Grant and has been awarded the 2018 Chimei Arts Award and the Young Artist “Music Star” award in Taiwan.